New Web+Center 7.5 Interface Upgrade

Internet Software Sciences recently revised the look-and-feel of the Tech+Center, Business+Center and Customer+Center applications. Based on the Web+Center design of configurable and customizable Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for each of the applications, we modified some of the basic styles for tables and colors and fonts without impacting the backend application code. There is information in the programmers guide on how to customize your own Web+Center CSS files in Chapter 13 of the Programmers Guidetitled “Use of Stylesheets and CSS” to fit your own requirements.

Please review the screen shots below to see the updated User Interface available with the latest release of Web+Center. If you wish to obtain a zip file with just the updated files, please contact ISS support via email at Upgrades will be available for licensed and supported customers.


New Tech+Center user interface

New Customer+Center user interface