Web+Center Administration Options – Special Training sessions

Web+Center Administrative Options – Special Training sessions available now!

Overwhelmed with options?

While checking in with Web+Center users daily, we are discovering that many Web+Center administrators are not aware of  all of the administrative options and full suite of Web+Center functionality available with the Web+Center Help Desk.   To help resolve this issue, we are offering some free Webinar training sessions that will walk though the administrative options. Other Webinars will be scheduled too to provide training on the product to help users find additional uses for the product in their organization.  If you can’t attend this Webinar, we have also provided a brief outline of the administrative options below in this newsletter.

Simple Help Desk?

As the Web+Center suite of applications continues to grow and evolve, some customers embrace the new features and more functionality and related complexity while others find the application getting overly complicated. To keep everyone happy, the product has a increasing set of web-based switches in the administration configuration pages to enable or disable and hide from view many features of the software.  For those wishing to have a simpler ticket system without asset management, projects,  integrated calendars, text messaging, or other components, one can simply disable and hide those features.  It’s also important for Web+Center system administrator and organizations to know about these features of the software if they were originally disabled but new organizational requirements could now use them for deployment.  There are many features like Customer Surveys, Email to case, auto-escalation, active directory integration that might need some additional explanation if you wish to implement some of those features.

Figure #1 – Web+Center Feature Enable/Disable on System Configuration Options page

Get Informed by this newsletter or attend a new and FREE web based webinar on-line presentation with our staff and other Web+Center users. To attend the webinar, please sign up for the event by emailing Internet Software Sciences at sales@inet-sciences.com and we will send out the join.me webinar code to those who have registered for this webinar.

On-Line webinar training sessions schedule:

We will be offering initially one, short (20 minutes)  Administrative Options Walk through on-line training.

  •        Conference #1 – Web+Center Administrative Options Walk Through – Tuesday, June 4th, 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

This on-line training is most appropriate for Web+Center system level configurators.  If you would like to schedule another training session, please contact Internet Software Sciences.

In addition to the live training presentations, the rest of this newsletter is a quick walk through on most of the Web+Center administrative options.  The system configuration section of the Web+Center User Guide also offer more details.

Hopefully this newsletter will provide some overall details about Web+Center administration that will allow you to optimize your Web+Center user experience.  Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions with the product, upgrades, or special customizations to your Web+Center application.


Scott Vanderlip
President, Internet Software Sciences

Administrative Functions Overview

Administrative functions are only available for the top 2 technician security levels.

There are 5 levels of tech accounts which include:

  • System Configurator – 6
  • Administrator – 5
  • Dispatcher – 4
  • Tech Read/Write – 3
  • Tech Read Only – 2
  • No Access  – 1

The administrator level gets the Tech+Center administration button in the button panel and System Configurators gets the Administration button and an additional link on the administration page called System Configuration Menu.
If you think you are system configurator level but do not see the System Configurations options additional link, contact Internet Software Sciences on how to directly access the database and change your tech level to System Configurator level.
(See figure 1 below shows administration options and the System Configuration options)

Administration Page Options
There are about 35 administration options on the first administrator page which include:

Manage Staff Members – Use these functions to add/ edit and delete tech staff members

  • Show all staff members
  • Show staff members by support group
  • Create staff member
  • Edit Staff Member
  • Reassign all cases from one staff member to another
  • Delete Staff Member

Manage Customer Records – Use these functions to perform special customer ID and case relationship changes and edits

  • Rename Customer ID
  • Delete customer and attached cases
  • Delete One or More Customers

Manage Cases – Use these functions to perform special situations to handle  case/customer functions

  • Re-Assign Case Customer ID
  • Re-Assign One Case Customer ID
  • Delete case
  • Delete Case from Knowledge Base

Manage Additional Notifications – If Additional notifications are enabled, you can configure additional notification features with this option.

  • Configure Additional Notifications

Manage Support Groups- Use these functions to create/edit/manage your tech staff support groups and memberships

  • Create Support Group
  • Delete Support Group
  • Rename Support Group
  • Change Default Support Group
  • Add Staff Members to Support Group
  • Remove Staff Members from Support Group
  • Reassign all cases from one support group to another
  • Display/Print All Support Groups

Manage Surveys – These functions create, edit and review customer survey reports and results

  • Survey Builder
  • View Survey Results
  • Individual Survey Reports
  • All Survey Reports
  • Survey Results with case Links

Misc. Utilities & Functions – These functions allow one to edit the Tech+Center white board, add FAQ articles, configure the notification emails, edit the Customer+Center message board, and offer an  open ended SQL database snooper to query the database using SQL.  The button creation tool allows you to  create custom buttons for your own forms and customizations.

  • Edit Tech+Center White Board
  • FAQ – Case selection and arrangement
  • Edit Priority Table Entries
  • Tech+Center White Board / Notification Emails
  • Knowledge Base Options
  • Edit Customer+Center Message Board
  • Button Creation Assistant
  • Database Snooper

System Level Configuration Options:

  • System Configuration Options – This is the primary options page for enabling/disabling many of the Web+Center features.

Options: Background colors, SMTP settings and HTML Email options, Database Type, Customer dropdown options, case text limits, screen refresher rates, Extended Time Spent options, Txt Messages, Assets (Management, Audit Trail, Inspections), Projects and Expenses, Reservation+Center , Web+Center Calendar, Additional Emails, LDAP/Active Directory

  • Additional Configuration

Options: Case Form Sizing, Date Format (US/UK), Time Zone, Knowledge Base settings, Time Spent Categories

  • Other Configuration

Options: Attach File to Case Options, Customer+Center Security Options

  • More Configuration

Options: Customer Surveys, Web+Center Virtual/Application Directory Definitions

  • Customer+Center User Interface Logos and banners

Options: Customize the Customer+Center Banner Title and customize the Customer+Center title.

  • Case Form Categories and Text Fields – These options allows you to configure additional single line case form text fields in the tech+center and customer+center interfaces.

Options: Enable, Optional Case Text Fields for Techs and/Or Customers
Options: Create, modify, order, disable, delete Case Category Lists

  • Case Auto-Escalation Options

Options: Enable and configure Case Auto Escalation Options

  • Email To Case Configurations and launcher

Options: Configure settings to Email To Case feature including pop address and filter options
Start Email To Case Feature Polling Window

  • Asset Configurations

Options: Create, modify, merge and delete Asset Inspection Status Values
Manage Asset Categories

  • Customer User Categories

Options: Create, Merge, Delete and edit User Categories

  • Case Processing Rules and Methods

Options:Configure Initial Group Assignments – Configure how cases are initially assigned to groups based on categories or not

  • Customer Importing Tools

Options: Import customers into Web+Center from External customer databases

  • Active Directory Integration Configuration and Tools

Options: LDAP Cofigurator for Autologin with Active Directory for customer logins and Directory Synch of Customers from Directory