Internet Software Sciences on-line systems migrated – Please report any issues

Today we have migrated a complex set of on-line functions that you as a client may access and we want to notify you of these changes in case you see any issues.  Please notify us immediately by email or phone so we can resolve any issues for you.

These functions include:

  • Download and product registration from our website
  • Your Account Manager functions to review your accounts, invoices, and license keys
  • Support tickets you create and update on the ISS support site
  • A few hosted medical related Physician Verification Systems
  • FAQs listed on our support site
  • Web+Center Documentation
  • Web+Center Version Server (place to check for recent version updates to files)
  • Cloud Hosted Web+Center licensing Logins (Not the applications)
  • Web+Center monthly rental key licensing systems
  • Online demos and other sandbox test features

Do you need to upgrade your Web+Center systems and hosting platform as well?

If you have a Web+Center application hosted internally now on an older, outdated (2003) server and need assistance with a Web+Center migration and upgrade to a hosted VPS (Cirtual private Server), please contact our consulting group.  The cost of the VPS compared to a dedicated server is significant and well worth the time and effort to go through the upgrade process!

Phone: (650) 949-0942


Scott Vanderlip
President, Internet Software Sciences