Newsletter 77: Web+Center User Training Conference – March 2011

Web+Center User Training/Developer Conference 2011 – March 21/22, 2011

Discover the POTENTIAL of Web+Center for your organization!
We talk to Web+Center users daily who we help to discover many features or approaches for utilizing Web+Center for existing operations and uncover new uses for Web+Center for other in-house applications requirements.Users can learn from both the presenter/trainers as well as the sharing from other Web+Center user attendees on new and innovative ways to use the software. ISS also uses this conference as way to get customer feedback for existing product versions and a way to test and evaluate new versions being developed. Since we ended up finding so much value in the previous conference ourselves, we have reduced the price of the conference and training from $250 to $100 per attendee to promote attendance.


  • Date: March 21,22, 2011
  • Location: Palo Alto, CA Crown Plaza Cabana Hotel (San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA)
  • Cost $100 per attendee (Lodging and travel not included)
  • Includes training, lunch, dinner and a SF Bay Area off site adventure
  • Bring your own laptop or share with others during the hand-on labs exercises

This conference is designed for Web+Center administrators and configurators, technicians The conference will provide training and hands-on lab exercises that will focus on Web+Center topics including:

  • Review “out of the box” Suite of Web+Center applications and their intended uses and functions and best practices
  • Review of Web+Center web and database architecture models
  • Review of Web+Center user security models and customer login methods
  • Reporting and matrix options using search engines and report functions
  • Creating custom reports
  • Visual Basic/ ASP programming
  • Programming tips for Web+Center customizations
  • Customizing the customer interface for your organizational website look and feel
  • Other topics presented/requested by attendees and 3rd party vendors

For more information or reservations, please email or contact Internet Software Sciences directly at or 1 – (650) 949-0942.A preliminary defailed description of the 2011 Web+Center User Training conference agenda is now available on line.