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Using Authenticated SMTP servers for Web+Center and your emails
Successful Email delivery can not be guaranteed anymore! This is a second Internet Software Sciences Newsletter devoted to Email delivery! I feel this is one of the most important topics that every business and organization should be researching, discussing and…
You can no longer trust email delivery
This particular newsletter has little to do with Web+Center, but a slow but crucial change in our Internet ethos that we have come to depend upon. It also impacts Web+Center and any Email delivered document (Web+Center notifications, newsletters, emails, security…
Updates by Microsoft to secure Active Directory /LDAP interfaces has critical impacts
March 2020 Microsoft is planning to release a security update in March 2020 that will required signing in requirements for LDAP and active directory connected applications. This might impact Web+Center and other AD connected applications on your network! The article…
Web+Center systems for remote employees and distance learners from Coronavirus impacts
Overview The Coronavirus has overnight added a huge burden to the already overtaxed IT departments and IT staff for organizations. For most schools, companies, organizations and even your local Yoga Studio to churches, converting your function you performed before (education,…
Comparing Old School Yellow Pages to Google Adwords
Old school – Yellow pages Lack of competition in search engines I’m old enough to remember pre-Internet, the telephone book and the “Yellow Pages”. This was the most valuable resource reference for many local products and services. The process by…
August 2019 – Web+Center Version 10.0 available for new installs and upgrades
PRODUCTION RELEASE: August 2019 – Web+Center Version 10.0 available for new installs and upgrades Web+Center 10.0 is now officially production! You can download version 10.0 from our Downloads page for new installs and upgrades from any previous Web+Center version with…
Acquire and License Web+Center technology platform for your next business venture!
Buy, acquire, and license the Web+Center technology platform for your next business venture Starting with Version 10.0, we are now offering new business models for Web+Center users and developers. ISS is looking for existing clients, developers and businesses who want…
Start testing Version 10.0 Beta Now!
Upgrade to V10 (Beta) and New V10 system Testers Needed! Are you currently running a production Web+Center Version system and wish to participate in our V10(Beta) test program that includes upgrading your current data into Version 10.0? Are you interested…
2 Factor Authentication Design input needed
We need your input on our new 2 Factor authentication designs for Web+Center. Please refer to the latest newsletter article that outlines some of our designs so far listed below: 2 Factor Authentication for Web+Center