Example Applications

Web+Center is a versatile Help Desk / Issue Tracking/ Project Management / Account Manager suite of applications.  Totally different organizations use the Web+Center for diverse set of users.  List below are set of examples of how you can use Web+Center to solve your support and business requirements integrated with one single software package.

IT Help Desk – Internal

IT Help Desk Desk – Independent IT support companies

Account Management – Keep your customers informed and organized with Web+Center’s new Account Manager feature.  Differentiate your products and services from your competitors by providing your customers with Web+Center – Customer Account Manager.   Show your customers their support cases, invoices, customer account information, and asset assignments on a single screen.

Financial Planning – Financial planners have strict government regulations about record keeping and accountability.  Each request needs to be carefully tracked for auditing purposes.  One can place  work order requests into the Web+Center issue tracking system that dates, time stamps and identifies users and issues in a database that can handle many years of work orders.  This tool is invaluable tool for financial planners who need to organize and journal their requests and recommendations.