Internet 108

Internet Software Sciences  – Associated businesses – Internet 108

technologyInternet Software Sciences is helping to launch some other businesses to help solve the digital divide issues that now exists in the USA. is a small business looking to provide affordable and reliable Internet solutions for those left behind.    We invite you to check out the website for more information about the problem that exists for many businesses and residents and solutions we can provide to help individuals and communities solve this problem.

Affordable and reliable Internet options for those left behind


Accessing quality Internet connectivity at your home or business can often be as random as catching the flu. Many urban and suburban users have access to affordable, reliable, broadband Internet speeds. Other residents or businesses only 2 houses away or 2 miles away from excellent Internet Service options can be excluded from any reasonable Internet service options and are forced to pay for expensive, slow, and unreliable satellite or dial up services or outdated T1 services.

Internet 108 was formed to offer affordable options to bring high speed internet to more rural areas OR to serve those residents and businesses who are completely under served by local Internet Service Providers being at the end of the line or just outside of a service area.

With many Internet Service providers charging $10K to $20K to extend more Internet connectivity even 1 or 2 telephone poles in distance, we have to be creative and collaborative to bring Internet to those left behind. Current policies, politics and competition in the Internet Service provider markets is not going to force telecoms or Internet Service providers to provide Internet Service to all communities fairly equally like copper based telephone service and electric utilities regulation have in the past century.

Internet 108 offers services and information to help you as a resident, business or community member get connected if you have been left behind. We hope the site provide options, information, and inspiration to help bridge the Broadband digital divide that now exists.