Newsletter 48: Customer+Center Customizations Options

The Customer+Center default comes out of the box with an interface that looks like:

Default Customer+Center banner logo and title text

Two new administration options are now available under the Tech+Center Administration – System Configuration

Menu page:
(1) Upload and customize Customer+Center Company/Organizational Logo – This link will take you to a page that allows you to upload a new banner graphic logo in the left side of banner area. This graphic must be a graphic “gif” type file (*.gif extension) that is about 64 pixels high and 138 pixels wide. Browse on your local computer for the graphic file and it will replace the current logo.

(2) Customer+Center Configurations – This link will allow you to customize the Customer+Center banner text that says “CUSTOMER+CENTER” to your own tile text. You can include HTML formatting in this definition including bolding, font sizes, images, line breaks, etc.

For example, uploading an Internet Software Sciences graphic and defining some new text changed the Customer+Center banner to:

Uploaded up graphic GIF file and modified Text

New 6.0 files required for this update.
To obtain the new 6.X files for this update, please use the Web+Center Version 6.X version server that will provide FTP links to let you download the latest versions for all of the Webcenter files and folders. Before updating your software, be sure to make a complete backup of your web+center folders into a different directory.

Customer+Center Files:

Click on the Version 6.X Customer+Center Directory Files Version Server and extract the files listed below and install them into your customercenter directory.

  • CustomrOptions.asp
  • default.asp

Tech+Center Files:

Click on the Version 6.X Tech+Center Directory Files Version Server and extract the files listed below and install them into your techcenter directory.

  • ConfigAdmin.asp
  • CustomerCenterConfiguration.asp
  • DoCustomerCenterConfiguration.asp
  • DoUploadCustomLogo.asp

Language Files:

Click on the Version 6.X Language Directory Files Version Server and extract the files listed below and install them into your language directory.

  • CSCSampleTopArea.gif
  • CCdefault.gif
  • StartingCCLogo.gif