Web+Center Version 9.0 Production!

Web+Center 9.0 Production and available for new installs or upgrades

New Features:
To find out what new features are included in Version 9.0 from Version 8.0, we recommend you review our New V9 Features Reference Guide.

Primary New Features include:

  • New HTML 5 / Bootstrap interfaces for Tech+Center and Business+Center applications
  • New Geolocation options for tech tracking and asset tracking
  • Case Templates
  • Fixed Cost Jobs and Expense reporting with cases
  • New Web+Center for Business features for IT support businesses
  • Personalized Tech support with technician photos and updated notification messages
  • Popup time spent timers
  • Customer Information change journals and updated private note interfaces
  • New security options to monitor and report file attachment file types
  • More features and options for mobile interfaces for techs and customers

Testing New Version:
We invite users to get familiar with Version 9 on our Try-It on-line sandbox.
We have updated our installation docs and other documentation for V9 on the Documentation page on our website and created new install setup scripts to significantly decrease the amount of time required to install the new version.

Upgrade Compatibility:
We always think about your existing mission critical Web+Center installations first when designing new versions.  We work to make new versions compatible with your existing data and minimize any new training that might be required for Techs or Customers.   We also designed the upgrade process to be a stress free upgrade where you do not touch or impact your current production system to perform the upgrade.  From providing missions critical help desk applications for over 16 years, we understand the importance of your work environments for a stable, reliable and consistent application and have listened to users who have been through other vendors unsuccessful upgrades.

Upgrade Requirements:
To upgrade with your current Web+Center data, you must have a current Web+Center annual support/Free upgrade contact in place or purchase one.  If you are a licensed user and wish to upgrade, you must contact our sales group to obtain a special set of upgrade scripts and instructions to enable you to successfully upgrade with your data.

If you are a free (2) tech user and wish to upgrade with your data, you must purchase at least a (3) tech license key and also 1 year of annual support and upgrades.  Please refer to our Web+Center pricing page for complete licensing and annual support pricing.

To determine if you are current with your support renewal invoices, we invite you to view your account invoices, license keys and other account information with our Internet Software Sciences Account manager feature.

Free upgrade and migration planning support services from Internet Software Sciences
As part of your annual support for your Web+Center help desk, we offer free upgrade planning and assistance.  Typically we offer:

  • Initial 15 minute planning and strategy phone call to discuss your upgrade plan.
  • Discuss optional server migration from a server near End of Life or new VPS hosting options to move the application outside your firewall to better enable our mobile apps.
  • 30 minutes to 1 hour remote access assistance during install of V9 and upgrade process.
  • Providing of database migration scripts to upgrade from Versions 6,7,8, to version 9 directly
  • Additional 30 minutes of phone based review and training of V9 features and handling any migrations issues.

We are excited about our new HTML 5/ Bootstrap architecture foundation we have included in this release that will provide newer user interfaces we can continue to develop in the coming years.  This allows Web+Center to be HTML current while staying compatible with previous data and helps to maintain your investment in your Web+Center Help Desk. 

Our friendly support and upgrade/migration staff can be reached at 1-(650) 949-0942  / 1-(888)949-0942 or by email at support@inet-sciences.com.  9 AM to 5 PM PST.  Please leave a message if we are busy with another customer, but we will always return your call.

Looking forward to assisting you with upgrades in 2017!


Scott Vanderlip
President, Internet Software Sciences

Email: Sales@inet-sciences.com
Phone: (650) 949-0942